ABOUT US – Sottocoperta
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Sottocoperta is a leader nightwear and underwear brand for kids since 1958.

Sottocoperta is a leader nightwear and underwear brand for kids since 1958.

Born from a small skilled craft company, Sottocoperta is now recognized internationally for its values, as the respect both for the needs and the creativity of children.

That’s why Sottocoperta carefully selects the best fabrics and develops prints and designs that stimulate the imagination and the happiness of kids.

Sottocoperta is born also to satisfy the demands of the parents, providing them the best quality in terms of materials, comfort and style.

After the acquisition by the start-up Amache, Sottocoperta gains a new plus: versatility.

The collections include now outerwear, swimwear and cover-ups.

Thanks to the research on the materials, styles and production processes, Sottocoperta is now distributed in several boutiques and in the best department stores around Italy and in more than 20 countries.

The new collections, entirely Made in Italy, keep a simple but refined design combined with the high quality of the fabrics and the comfort of the clothing.